Harry Minas


Harry Minas is a psychiatrist whose main areas of interest are mental health system development and human rights in low-resource, post-disaster and post-conflict settings. He is Head of the Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit, Centre for Mental Health and Community Wellbeing, School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne. He has worked in in multiple cultural settings, including Bosnia and Kosovo, Aceh Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Timor Leste, and over several decades he has focused on immigrant and refugee communities in Australia. He has worked over a long period with Ministries of Health and Social Affairs in Indonesia and Vietnam, and is a development partner for the non-communicable diseases section, including mental health, of the ASEAN Secretariat. He was the founder, in 2007, of the International Journal of Mental Health Systems, and the Editor-in-Chief until 2021. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists and the  recipient in 2015 of the inaugural Council of Academic Public Health Institutions of Australia President’s Award for Humanitarian Contributions Through Public Health.

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