Gameela Samarasinghe

Sri Lanka

Gameela Samarasinghe is a Clinical Psychologist by training and an Associate Professor in Psychology in the Department of Sociology, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. She initiated the design of and introduced the Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s in Counselling and Psychosocial Work at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo.
She has over 30 years of experience developing strategies for psychosocial interventions initially among conflict-affected individuals and communities in Sri Lanka and then later in the post-tsunami aftermath. She is the author of many articles and book chapters that discuss the nature and scope of psychosocial work in Sri Lanka and the concept of psychosocial wellbeing. She co-edited “After the Tsunami: The Impact of the Asian Tsunami on Women in Sri Lanka” published by the Social Scientists’ Association in 2009. 

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